Fox Hunt, 1893 by Winslow Homer

In it mid-winter on the New England coast. The ground is deep with snow. A wretched fox, driven from his lair by frost and famine, struggles through the heavy drifts in quest of food; and over him,
circling nearer and nearer, as he grows weaker and weaker, come the ravens who are soon to pluck his bones.
The subject is very novel, and requires a word of explanation as to the fact in natural history of which it is a dramatic illustration. In the depths of winter, when the ground is for long intervals covered
with snow along the coast of Maine, it is observed that a flock of half-starved crows will have the temerity to attack a fox, relying on their advantage of numbers, the weakened condition of the fox and the
deep snow, which makes it the more difficult for the victim to defend himself.
A fox makes his way through the snow, looking sharply at his enemies - two huge crows which are swooping down to devour him, in which their hunger, made savage by the snow-storm which has covered their usual
hunting-ground. Other crows hover restlessly in the distance. A twig or two of last summer's wild-rose bush is the grace note of the picture, redeeming sufficiently the sombre character of the scene."